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The Longest Dynasty

2024-09-18来源:网络阅读: 1703

The Zhou Dynasty was the "earliest China" in geography, ethnology and cultural sense.

The 790 years of the Zhou Dynasty was the longest dynasty in the history of Chinese civilization. Its social structure, political system and civilization concept had a profound influence on the later generations, and it was the beginning of the true sense of Chinese civilization.

The education of rites and music in the Zhou Dynasty, moral concepts and literary achievements were the important source of Chinese culture for thousands of years. Its political structure of enfeoffment provided a stable foundation for social development and formed the main surname system.

The founding king of the Zhou Dynasty was King Wu, his wife and the queen was Yi Jiang, and the queen had two princes, among which the little prince was named ShuYu, made the king of a state of Jin, that is, the princes of the state of Jin were the orthodox direct descendants of ShuYu.

Those who had the noble surnames of the descendants of the king would probably have the orthodox constraints of the name, that was, the middle name was determined by the ancestors, and even if the times flow, they could keep the proof of history.

Ancient Map:

One of fiefs of princes

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